Archive for 'Egyptian Mau Silver'
the starting of the Maullenium Egyptian Mau lines
Very nice article featured on the Egyptian Mau in this months Showcats online
about Dot Mardulier
As the world began a new century in the year 2000,Dot Mardulier established Maullenium Egyptian Maus in a small town on Cape Cod, MA.
But she had first shown an Egyptian Mau in the Alter Class in CFA the year before.
The problem was that being a minority breed, Egyptian Maus struggled with having a smaller gene pool. Despite that, Dot enjoyed showing her Maus, but her passion for the breed’s survival was far greater than for showing. She understood that If she worked with imported bloodlines, she could help increase the diversity of the Mau gene pool in the US.
There was a price to be paid however. The Maus imported from Egypt were not the refined type seen in the US show rings.
Ancestors of Atarah, our Bronze Egyptian Mau
a link to see the Parents and Grand Parents of
Maus’Art Atarah of Amiel-Goshen
un lien pour découvrir les parents et Grands Parents de
Maus’Art Atarah of Amiel-Goshen
video on Egyptian Mau & Nebelung
Amiel-Goshen Cattery’s New Year wishes 2013
“Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery”
Wishes you all all a year filed with Love, Joy, and Health
May all blessings come your way in 2013
from all our Boys & Girls
updates “Atarah, Djeser, Eli-Ora, Florina”
Mentorship /Mentorat
j’ai pensé qu’il était plus qu’important de rappeler à tous ce que veut dite le mot “Mentorat”, les devoirs et responsabilités qui sont attachées à cette responsabilité,
l’expérience montre que certains éleveurs français semblent confondre “Montorat” et “Despotisme”
a new video of a Silver Egyptian Mau added
new page open on gallery
You will find all the pedigrees and diplomas of our Egyptian Mau Silver, Bronze, Smoke
and our Nebelung
Grand international Champion Eli-Ora
Our Princess
” Eli-Ora du Fort de la Bosse Marnière“
is now GR.IC
Eli-Ora,egyptian mau silver, is now Grand International Champion
Gr.INT. CH. Eli-Ora du Fort de la Bosse Marniere (Loof = 2009 9985 RIEX)
La Marniere Eli-Ora of Amiel Goshen CFA = (0843-1710839) & GCCF = (CSREF 803499) & TICA = (SBT 041109 058)
(Born/née= 11.04.2009)
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