Mau Egyptien Archives
a new video of a Silver Egyptian Mau added
IC. Maunarch Florina’s kittens were 6 months on the 05.06.2012
Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery
Here our 4 beautiful Egyptian Mau Bronze kittens from
“IC Maunarch Florina” & “Chantina Jacob”
at 6 months
new page open on gallery
You will find all the pedigrees and diplomas of our Egyptian Mau Silver, Bronze, Smoke
and our Nebelung
Grand international Champion Eli-Ora
Our Princess
” Eli-Ora du Fort de la Bosse Marnière“
is now GR.IC
Eli-Ora,egyptian mau silver, is now Grand International Champion
Gr.INT. CH. Eli-Ora du Fort de la Bosse Marniere (Loof = 2009 9985 RIEX)
La Marniere Eli-Ora of Amiel Goshen CFA = (0843-1710839) & GCCF = (CSREF 803499) & TICA = (SBT 041109 058)
(Born/née= 11.04.2009)
Bronze Egyptian Mau litter at 2 month old (07/02/2012)
The bronze litter of Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen & Chantina Jacob born on the 05/12/2011
at “Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery”
is now 2 month old
la portée de bronze mau egyptien né de Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen et de Chantina Jacob le 05/12/2011
à “Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery”
a maintenant 2 mois
Silver Egyptian Mau La Marniere Eli-Ora of Amiel-Goshen GCCF standard (07/02/2012)
Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery
has the pleasure to announce that
La Marniere Eli-Ora of Amiel-Goshen
is now GCCF registered
GCCF reg= CSREF 803499 & CFA reg= 0843-1710839
Smoke Egyptian Mau Adina of Amiel-Goshen is GCCF standard (07/02/2012)
Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery
has the pleasure to announce that
Ramah Adina of Amiel-Goshen
is now GCCF registered
GCCF reg= CS 803498 & CFA reg= 0847-1723487
egyptian mau bronze litter update on the 20.01.2012
Bronze Egyptian Mau Litter of
“Maunarch FLorina of Amiel-Goshen”
born on 05.12.2011
portee de Mau Egyptien Bronze de
“Maunarch FLorina of Amiel-Goshen”
née le 05.12.2011
a page photos of Bronze egyptian mau litter from day 1 has been added
to make thing easier, you will be able to follow the first 3 months of “Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen’s “litter on this page with only photos
pour rendre les choses plus facile vous pouvez maintenant suivre les premiers 3 mois de la portée de
“Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen’s” en tapant sur ce lien!uniquement les photos
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