Mau Egyptien Archives

Cats Forum

“Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery”

is on quite a few forum

please visit =

“Yummypets” (all about cats, dogs and other animals),

“Chapperlipopette” (all about cats),

A Maus doux (especially Egyptian Mau)Goshen Catterry”

Encyclopedia for cats

A very interesting book published by

Royal Canin 

giving us all the basic about cats,

History, mankind and cats, cat and their owners, knowing our cats,

and a resume on the main cat breed known today

please have look at this link

((there is an English edition as well as German etc, do not hesitate to contact them))

Egyptian Mau Coat Color Inheritance Introduction

Egyptian Mau

Coat Color Inheritance Introduction

This article summarizes coat color inheritance in the Egyptian Mau to aid breeders in breeding for certain colors. It begins with an overview of core principles of genetics then reviews the specific genes controlling Egyptian Mau coat color. It also provides guidance in determining the possible genotypes of your cat.

more here

Ramah Adina Egyptian Mau Black Smoke is now also registered LOOF

“Ramah Adina of Amiel-Goshen”

Egyptian Mau Smoke 

            CFA= 0847-1723487 GCCF = CS 803498

(Female on the GCCF active registrar)

is also Registered LOOF

Egyptian Mau black Smoke

more info here

Amiel-Goshen Cattery’s New Year wishes 2013

“Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery”

Wishes you all all a year filed with Love, Joy, and Health

May all blessings come your way in 2013


from  all our Boys & Girls

Egyptian Mau Smoke (female) Nebelung (russian blue, semi long hair) female
Egyptian Mau Silver (female) Egyptian Mau Bronze(female)
Egyptian Mau bronze (female) EU Turtles shell female
Egyptian Mau Bronze (male) Egyptian Mau Silver (male)

Egyptian Mau bronze Amiel-Goshen Yosefa 1year today

Amiel- Goshen Yosefa

Daughter of  IC Maunarch Florina (US) & Chantina Jacob (UK)

born in 05/12/2011 

is = 1yr

photo of 2011 litter

& here

Yosefa today=

Amiel-Goshen Yosefa

Maus’Art Atarah of Amiel-Goshen is on the GCCF active reg

Maus’Art Atarah of Amiel-Goshen 

our Male Bronze is now on the active registrar of the GCCF

to see the pedigree, diplomas, and reg of our Entire male and females

egyptian Mau and Nebelung please  tap


Updates “Yosefa, Faithful, Adina”

the following pages have been updated //les pages ci-dessous ont été actualisées , pour la visite

Yosefa (EM female bronze), Faithful(Nebelung female), Adina(EM female Smoke)

updates “Atarah, Djeser, Eli-Ora, Florina”

The following pages have been updated, please have a look/// les page ci-dessous ont été actualisées , pour la visite

Djeser,(male silver neutred), Atarah, (Male Bronze entire), Eli-Ora, (female Silver entire), Florina (female bronze entire)

Mentorship /Mentorat



j’ai pensé qu’il était plus qu’important de rappeler à tous ce que veut dite le mot “Mentorat”, les devoirs et responsabilités qui sont attachées à cette responsabilité,

l’expérience montre que certains éleveurs français semblent confondre “Montorat” et “Despotisme” 

voici donc le lien en français, bonne lecture

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