Archive for 'Pedigrees'
Silver Egyptian Mau La Marniere Eli-Ora of Amiel-Goshen GCCF standard (07/02/2012)
Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery
has the pleasure to announce that
La Marniere Eli-Ora of Amiel-Goshen
is now GCCF registered
GCCF reg= CSREF 803499 & CFA reg= 0843-1710839
Smoke Egyptian Mau Adina of Amiel-Goshen is GCCF standard (07/02/2012)
Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery
has the pleasure to announce that
Ramah Adina of Amiel-Goshen
is now GCCF registered
GCCF reg= CS 803498 & CFA reg= 0847-1723487
a page photos of Bronze egyptian mau litter from day 1 has been added
to make thing easier, you will be able to follow the first 3 months of “Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen’s “litter on this page with only photos
pour rendre les choses plus facile vous pouvez maintenant suivre les premiers 3 mois de la portée de
“Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen’s” en tapant sur ce lien!uniquement les photos
Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery is now WCF/Monaco
we have the pleasure to announce that our
“Cattery Amiel Goshen”
has been registered with
the World Cat Federation/Monaco reg NB= 1499-2011
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que la
“Chatterie Amiel-Goshen”
est enregistrée avec le
World Cat Federation/Monaco n°= 1499-2011
Cattery Amiel-Goshen is GCCF registered also
“Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery“
(GCCF reg= 162/2011 , LOOF reg= 18112, CFA reg= 223477)
is now registered with the GCCF (England)
est maintenant avec le standard GCCF (Angleterre)
(GCCF reg= 162/2011 , LOOF reg= 18112, CFA reg= 223477)
Bronze Egyptian Mau litter update on 02.01.2012
the litter of IC Maunarch FLorina of Amiel-Goshen and Chantina Jacob is changing fast now
they are all +500gr and are 4 weeks old today
la portée de IC Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen et de Chantina Jacob change rapidement maintenant;
Ils font tous + de 500gr et eu 4 semaines aujourd’hui
Bronze/Silver Egyptian Mau New Year Wishes
“Cattery Amiel-Goshen”
and all her Egyptian Mau and Nebelung wishes you all the very best for 2012
Bronze Egyptian Mau Litter update 28/12/2011)
Bronze Egyptian Mau Litter of IC Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen
today our “Winter Ligths” have started visiting outside their nest
Aujourd’hui nos “Lumières de l’Hivers ont commencées leur visite hors du nids
bronze Egyptian Mau of Florina on 27.12.2011
Our “Winter Ligths” have started their 3d week and are all over 400gr
two of them are X4 their birth weigth and the other two will do so within 24h
Nos petites “lumières de l’hiver” viennent de commencer leur 3 ème semaine et font toutes + de 400gr, deux font 4 fois leur poids de naissance et les deux autres l’atteindront dans les 24h
Bronze Egyptian Mau Litter update on 22.12.2011
lates news on Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen’s Bronze litter
all the kittens have now tripled their Birth weitgh
Dernière nouvelles sur la portée de Bronze de Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen
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