Archive for 'LOOF standard'

Cat of the Month / the RUSSIAN BLUE



ELi-Ora’s kitten on the 13.05.11

15 photos have been added  here

Mau Egyptien silver

Mau Egyptien silver

Chatterie Amiel-Goshen Cattery

Magazine “A tout chats” of May 2011

 the Special Edition of “a tout chatsthis month is on/ est sur le=

 the Egyptian Mau/Mau Egyptien
le Magazine A tout Chat sur les Mau Egyptiens de Mai

& this month “A tout Chat” has a very good article on the Russian blue/nebelung, must be read!!!  /// l'”A tout Chat” de mois de mai a un très bon article sur le bleu russe/Nebelung , il doit être vu!!!

Nebelung of Amiel-Goshen Cattery

“La Marniere Faithful of Amiel-Goshen”pictures taken on 27.04.2011

Nebelung Female 9 months La Marniere Faithful of Amiel-Goshen
Chatte nebelung du la chatterie Amiel-Goshen Nebelung (Bleu Russe à poil long)


Cat show at St Laurent du Var on the 16 &17.04.2011

CH. Maunarch Florina of Amiel-Goshen (Egyptian Mau bronze) & La Marniere Faithful of Amiel-Goshen (Nebelung)
Our Egyptian Mau “Maunarch Florina of Amiel Goshen” is Now International Champion
both our Girl were nominated “Best in show”

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